Friday, January 14, 2011

Windows Phone 7 Underwhelms LG Following Launch 2011

Windows Phone 7 Underwhelms LG Following Launch 2011
Some new details have recently come out in terms of LG and their thoughts on how Windows Phone 7 has progressed up until this point. And while we hate to give the spoiler right up front, it does not seem as if they are super happy.

That said, James Choi who is the marketing strategy and planning team director of LG Electronics global recently said down with Pocket-lint and offered up some fairly candid comments.

“From an industry perspective we had a high expectation, but from a consumer point of view the visibility is less than we expected”

And as if that was not enough, Choi also went on to state that Windows Phone 7 “might be a little boring after a little bit boring after a week or two.” Anyway, while not painting an entirely bad picture, Choi did have some nice things to say, though the nice things seems more about being able to offer a variety of mobile platforms as opposed to Windows Phone 7 being a good option for the geekier crowd.

“From a vendor perspective having that balance is critical, being dependent on one OS is not beneficial for us. That’s the same with not just the manufacturers, but the operators as well”,

Speaking of that variety, Choi did point out that operators are currently claiming there is “too much Android” at the moment. And given that it seems rather nice that there are still other alternatives available, after all, sometimes something slightly simpler could be the best option.

With that, Choi went on to state that they believe that Windows Phone 7 marketshare will continue to grow and do better once “mid-tier to low tier start appearing.”

As to when that may be happening, nothing as much as even a clue in terms of what may be in the pipeline from LG, however Mobile World Congress is coming up in just about a month so we are going to be on the lookout. Maybe they have something low- to mid-tier in the works to help build that marketshare.

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